Exploratory Data Analysis in SQL


Exploratory Data Analysis or EDA is of great importance when exploring data. Using SQL makes the most sense when performing EDA as it is the native language for querying data. So let's go over the process shall we?

Importing the Data

To load data & schema into a database:

export tmp_pass="yOuR-PaSsWorD"
mysql -u root -p $tmp_pass -e DROP bad_sakila IF EXISTS; CREATE DATABASE bad_sakila
mysql -u root -p $tmp_pass bad_sakila < bad-sakila-schema.sql
mysql -u root -p $tmp_pass bad_sakila < bad-sakila-data.sql
unset tmp_pass

Here we first create a temporary environment variable tmp_pass with our password given to the root of the database. Then we use that password and root user to login to the database to run two SQL statements: DROP bad_sakila IF EXISTS to remove the data & schema if it already exists, CREATE DATABASE bad_sakila to recreate a new database to restore state. Then we run two commands to load the schema then data files into the database. Finally, unset the tmp_pass variable to make sure your password isn't leaking.


There's a query that shows the status of a table and it's a good command to start when looking at a database for the first time. That is the SHOW TABLE STATUS query.


It will show all the tables in the database. As well as their number of rows, data length, average row length, etc.

Use SELECT to Find Number of Rows in Tables

Let's say we want a count of the number of films in the bad_sakila database. We would count the rows of the table film.


Exploring the Relationship between Tables Using Joins

We can do more than that we can bring together join tables of related tables. Remember a many to many relation has a intermediary table of a 1-to-many relation between two other tables. So let's say we want to find the relation between film & category.

SELECT COUNT(*), c.name
FROM film f -- f for film
JOIN film_category j -- j for join
ON f.film_id = j.film_id
JOIN category c -- c for category
ON c.category_id = j.category_id
GROUP BY c.name;

We SELECT the COUNT and category.name. FROM the film table or f alias is where we'll first read from. We want to group the name of the categories after all to get the count of films in each category.

Then we'll JOIN that with the film_category or j table, with the joining condition being both their film_ids are equal. This brings the two tables together. This is effectively a join table so we give it the alias j.

Next we'll bring those with the third table, the category or c entries themselves, by joining their category_ids.

Now we need to GROUP BY the name of the category, or GROUP BY c.name. This is to group together a list of category names to COUNT to get a number of films of a category.

All this together we can get an idea of the amounts of data in each table and even their relationships between each of the tables.

Let's do another example. How many active customers are there? We'll start by writing this query:

SELECT active, count(customer_id) as customers
FROM customer

We'll SELECT the active column which represents whether a customer is active. Then alias the count of each active/inactive customer AS customers. We're taking the data from the customer table. Then we'll GROUP BY 1 to group together the active and inactive customers seperately for a count.

Because of this query we no know how many customers are active or inactive. However, this template can be used to discover just about any relation.

Pivot Tables

Pivot is a fancy sounding term. Although all it really means is a summary of the data that you have within your dataset. So whenever you're applying to your data sums, counts, averages, min or max, you are creating a pivot table.

So to make this more concrete let's look at an example. Imagine you have a dataset that includes all payments made by your customers, with each payment that's a separate row in your table. Now, we could pivot, or that is summarize the data by finding the payments per month. So let's go ahead an write that query.

SELECT * FROM payment;

We will be using the table of payments and let's take a look at what that table looks like again. There's payment_id, customer_id & the amount that is paid. So let's start our query:

MONTH(payment_date) AS month,
FROM payment
WHERE YEAR(payment_date) = 2005
GROUP BY month;

We'll start off by selecting the payment date, and from that we will be extracting the month. We will then sum those amounts. Again, that was a field of our table, the table being the payment table. Then we will make a restriction, in this case we will only be taking a look at year 2005. If you look at the data you'll see why, as most the data is from 2005. The last thing we will do is to aggregate by the month.

month SUM(amount)
5 4824.43
6 9631.88
7 28373.89
8 24072.13

As you can see above, we have created a summary of the data that we have in the table. We have created a pivot table. You can see the outputs for month in that summarized table.

Further Reading

Kaggle has a wonderful jupyter notebook about EDA using pandas, SQL, & matplotlib to explore the r/dataisbeautiful subreddit. It tries to uncover...


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